About Us
Melchior Management 777 Corporation has been providing high quality property management services since 1984. Our service excellence is reflected in the tremendous growth of our client base. Today we provide complete, top quality property management services for over 1,500 residential units. We also manage approximately 600,000 square feet of commercial plazas and professional office and medical buildings throughout Central Ontario. We are the first Property Management Company in Barrie that successfully met the Property Management requirements of the Certified Rental Building Program, and can bring the CRB-APPROVED status to your properties.
Our Philosophy
At Melchior Management 777 Corporation our philosophy is that "Good Property Management Doesn't Cost - It Pays!". We understand that the motivating factor behind ownership of every income-producing property is the bottom line. We apply our specialized knowledge to maximize returns while using every opportunity to enhance the capital value of each and every property we manage.